Saturday 2 December 2023

Fight me

I'd say it If you'd hear it. I'm Not like other men, I admit I need it. I can't fight, Heart broke too many times. Too much I should of said. But the longer it's left, The more it loses power. It's easy to end, Instead of trying to defend it. I left in hope, that you'd come And save me, Just one kiss, One last dance. But sadly there is no second chance.

It's me not you

Anyone partying? Meet me by The broken cash machine, Were we can laugh As we discuss Our broken teenage wet dreams. Fueled on memes and in jokes. Alter ego rocker and more yokes. Try to pass the batton, But, I still wanna go. Come to the dark side, And I can't say no. Mondays everyday when you feel low. Standing on a sinking ship, While others dance, You live once, So make sure you get your second chance.